Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Flat Iron Farm

Every year since I was a child my family and I have driven around Saint Mary's County at Christmas time to look at light decorations. To this day there is one home that sticks out in my mind for their over the top lighting displays and decorations. Bubby Knott is a local business man with a fetish for Christmas lights and displays. Every year Knott decorates the front of his 200-acre farms that faces the road for all to see. His driveway goes up a hill around the front of his house and then back down the hill. Once you reach the top you have the option of getting out and enjoying the festivites in one of his many barns, you can see and pet some of his livestock and animals, but most of all you just enjoy the elaborate lighting displays. This is another way that farmers in the Southern Maryland area are utilizing their land. I especailly like this idea not only because I have been viewing it every year as far back as I can remember, but also because it gives back to the people and allows them to see and appreciate his farm land.

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