Monday, April 28, 2008

historic saint mary's city

The farm that I am going to tell you about today is one of the oldest places not only in Maryland but the entire continent of North America. Saint Mary's City was the 4th permanent settlement when the British began coming to America. Today you can find Saint Mary's City near the southern most tip of Saint Mary's County. Here you can find outlines and frames of barns, churches and other structures that scientists and archaeologist know from research were once there. As a child growing up in St. Mary's County, I have had the pleasure of taking a field trip or two to Saint Mary's City and experiencing all of the history and entertainment it has to offer. Though Saint Mary's City is more of a settlement than a farm, in 1634 when it was first established, farming and working the water was one of the few ways of life. A historical attraction, Saint Mary's City is a place for people to visit and learn about the history of Southern Maryland and experiencing it's beautiful sights as well.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Flat Iron Farm

Every year since I was a child my family and I have driven around Saint Mary's County at Christmas time to look at light decorations. To this day there is one home that sticks out in my mind for their over the top lighting displays and decorations. Bubby Knott is a local business man with a fetish for Christmas lights and displays. Every year Knott decorates the front of his 200-acre farms that faces the road for all to see. His driveway goes up a hill around the front of his house and then back down the hill. Once you reach the top you have the option of getting out and enjoying the festivites in one of his many barns, you can see and pet some of his livestock and animals, but most of all you just enjoy the elaborate lighting displays. This is another way that farmers in the Southern Maryland area are utilizing their land. I especailly like this idea not only because I have been viewing it every year as far back as I can remember, but also because it gives back to the people and allows them to see and appreciate his farm land.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Ideas

So as this project gets closer to the end, I've found out quite a bit about Southern Maryland farms and their many different uses. I've already talked about Bowles Farm and how some farmers lease and/or use their land for farming, but there are still those out there using their land. Some Southern Maryland farmers are now growing catnip on their land and selling it. Apparently it is in demand and you can get paid a decent amount of money for growing this seemingly odd crop.

Another unusual crop that is being grown in place of tobacco and other dying crops are sweet potatoes! One of my favorite foods, sweet potatoes can also be grown from your own home garden, not just on farms! A family friend of mine actually has won prizes for growing the largest sweet potatoes around.

A final alternative that used to be practiced more often in the past is growing fresh fruits and vegetables as well as flowers. With people consciously trying to eat more healthy, roadside stands are the perfect place to sell your crops, or just keep them for your own satisfaction and meals! To learn more about starting your own roadside produce stand click here!